This unit presents the theory behind teaching and learning. The aim of this unit is to describe the basics of teaching English and to provide the possible methodologies you can apply to your classes. You will discuss the different uses of English and the reasons people choose to learn this language. You will identify the different types of learners based on their learning styles and internal characteristics. Furthermore, you will be aware of your own learning style and how much this can affect your teaching.
You will discuss new perspectives of teaching by identifying the different roles that EFL teachers adopt in a classroom situation. Moreover, you will define what it means to be an effective teacher by reflecting on your own experience as a student and comparing that information with research papers. You will learn about some theories of education, such as behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology. You will reflect on the impact of motivation on the success of learning a language.
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This unit deals with a “key element“ in language learning: vocabulary. In this unit you will define various vocabulary terms and reflect on the importance of teaching vocabulary. You will study a selection of techniques and strategies to present new vocabulary. You will select the techniques that seem appropriate to your personal teaching experience. Also, you will learn some strategies to suggest to your students to help them learn vocabulary on their own. Finally, you will receive a list of game-like activities for practicing vocabulary.
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In this unit, we will discuss the reasons why grammar is so important and will reflect on the misconceptions about teaching grammar that limit good instruction in this subject matter. You will study a model to present grammar in a communicative, contextualized manner and you will have the opportunity to plan a grammar lesson using your creativity to motivate your students’ learning. You will recognize the different teaching stages and will get some ideas on how to present each stage.
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In this section you will discuss aspects related to the receptive skills. You will study some strategies and activities to develop your students reading and listening skills. Also, you will analyze a model lesson plan for a reading or listening class and will create your own lesson plan based on this mode. You will also discuss some aspects related to the productive skills. You will examine various ways to teach and assess the productive skills and you will develop your own speaking and writing materials to use in the EFL classroom.
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In this unit you will become aware of different aspects related to classroom management such as verbal and non-verbal communication, grouping and interaction, error correction, use of materials and discipline. You will observe and examine different samples of classes considering these aspects. Classroom management may often be taken for granted by many teachers but as you go through this unit you will find out how important it is to be aware of those aspects and how much they will help you in different classrooms situations.
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Now it is time to combine the different elements that you have learned throughout this course. Lesson planning is like an orchestra where each and every element has an essential role in order to create a smooth, harmonious melody. The success of your class may depend on the effort and time you dedicate to planning. Lesson planning covers the following topics: pre-planning, the plan itself, and an evaluation of the plan. In this unit we will discuss the aspects to consider when planning a class. Then, you will make a checklist and will plan a lesson on your own.
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In this unit we will discuss the importance of using games in the classroom. Also, you will identify different types of games used for different purposes.
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In this unit you will study, in a very simple way, the basis of grammar and phonology, which are essential for your TEFL preparation. The pages are divided into two main sections which are as well subdivided into smaller sections so you can study the topics and do the activities suggested by your tutor as you go along your TEFL certificate course. Some of the activities are self-corrected and some others will ask you to send the results by e-mail.
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