Well-designed and thorough,
A well-designed course with prompt and thoughtful tutor feedback. The platform shows you how far you have progressed through each unit, which is a little thing that is extremely helpful in keeping learners motivated and pushing forward through the course. The questions and tasks throughout the course also ensure that students are processing the information and putting it into practice. Thorough and covers fundamentals such as learning styles, lesson planning, etc. as well as other issues that are important for actual classroom teaching, like grouping and classroom discipline.
Amber Fontenot
To Whom it May Concern,
I’m working at two different language schools in Cracow, Poland, as well as doing some personal tutoring, and I’m loving every minute of it! Taking the course last year was one of the best decisions I ever made. It has been opening up so many opportunities for me. I continue to receive new job offers weekly. Thank you!
Robin Suttin
I wanted to tell you that because of this certificate I was able to find a job in Dalian, China, at the Liaoning Normal University. I will be teaching here for a whole school year. Thank you very much for all your help!
Alison Madalinski
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated all the assistance in providing contacts for both public and private schools here in Thailand. I have felt since I learned about ITTO that it was one of the best decisions I made when I decided to pursue teaching a foreign country and your assistance repeatedly in helping me with teaching jobs has been invaluable.”
Best Regards,
Ervin A. (Chip) Steiner
I am actually in South Korea right now.
I was hired by EPIK last year. Here is my blog: http://jenarzadon.tumblr.com/
Thank you for the great course!
Jen Arzadon
Hello, I have just completed my course and I must say that this has been one of the best and rewardable experiences of my life! This course has given me the tools necessary to conduct a successful teaching atmosphere in ANY TEFL class! Not only does it cover ALL aspects of teaching English, but it also helps with self development and to identify your weaknesses and strengths. With a wonderful platform, curriculum, a great tutor, and help with job placement, I HIGHLY recommend ITTO to anyone who wants an experience that will be well worth it!
Best Regards,
Shuntae Cottingham
My experience with ITTO has been very positive. I took their online “TESOL Technology course”, a very unique, a state of the art course, at the leading edge technology in the TESOL/TEFL industry field. From the outset, this 25 hour course is very well structured, organized and user friendly laid out. I’m very glad I took this course. I learnt a lot, and I’m sure the “know how” I got from the course will enable me to design better syllabi and activities suitable for the 21st century digital age classroom. This course will provide you with a firm foundation to expand on your own, as you adapt new technologies into the classroom, and design more effective lesson plans. Furthermore, they will provide you with very good advices and plenty of technologically critical resources that you can use and take great advantage of. You should take this course whether you’ve been teaching for a day or 20 years. It is worth! The staff is very friendly and helpful. ITTO practicum course is well structured, well organized and properly balanced to enable you to get the maximum achievement out of the course. The instructors are very competent and very helpful. They all care about their students. They will promptly give you feedback and guide you in the right direction on the path to success. You will teach classes in your first day. Don’t let that scare you. You will have a personal tutor, who will guide you and make sure you understand the tasks and overcome obstacles. You will observe two classes in the morning and teach two classes in the afternoon, under the observation of a seasoned teacher, who will critique your teaching and suggest to you ways to improve your performance. You will gradually improve, as I did. You will be observed by a score of seasoned TESOL/TEFL teachers. They all are very friendly and willing to help. This course is very intensive, well organized and professionally introduced to you. You are expected to work hard under the supervision of your tutor. You will definitely become a teacher! And if you are already a teacher you will become better. This is as real as R-E-A-L can be. You will teach in a real and accredited school, with accredited programs (books and such) with real students at all levels, from 1 – 12. You will have students of all ages: young learners, teenagers and adults. The students are very good and eager to learn. I’m very satisfied with ITTO and everything turned out to be the way they advertised. I will recommend this course to anyone that wants to have a good and rewarding teaching practice at the beautiful and historic Guadalajara. ITTO goes way beyond the call of duty: they’ll make available to you 11 specialty courses of 5 hrs each for free and 25 hrs of Spanish class also for free as well. And if you are a native speaker of English, with a bachelor’s degree and have a good achievement they will most likely help you get a job. I chose ITTO because of the fact that I was going to have my teaching practice at IMAC a well established and accredited school with real students. I thank ITTO and its friendly staff for their innovation in the English as a second language field.
Manuel Araujo,
Orlando, Florida
Hello, It was a pleasure to be a part of this unique and fascinating world of education! ITTO did a GREAT job in teaching and assisting me in my quest for teaching English as a foreign language. I had the privilege of having one of the most wonderful tutors ever! This course has introduced me to many new concepts and given me a solid understanding of teaching English as a foreign language. Thus far it has been a very rewarding venture. I am really excited to travel and experience this new phase of my life!
Tanweer Burhanuddin
Hi, I wanted to write and say thanks a million to ITTO for opening new doors in my life, with the exceptional help I received while doing my English course. My Tutor was a real Star! She kept me focused, gave me very sound advice, expanded my knowledge with her wealth of information on websites and where to look for things. Without her help it would have been easy to give up. I found myself wanted to finish well and wanting to do the best I could as she was giving me her best also. I will always have a job opportunity waiting for me and that is an awesome feeling.
Thank you all so much. Sincerely,
Des Nunneley
New Zealand
Dear Team, I SALUTE you for a very comprehensive and well structured program you offer online. I have learnt a lot and I am definitely sure that I will make a very good English Teacher. Thank YOU!
Dear Tutor, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you. You were one of the reasons that kept me on to the completion of my course. That is because, you were always giving me prompt feedback with expert advice through correction of my tasks and this really inspired and encouraged me to complete this course. You were my best instructor ever…Honestly; I was at the edge of giving up, because I had so many inconveniences that dragged me down. Anyway, I have finally completed it and thank you for the “DISTINCTION GRADE” I think I deserve it. I learnt a lot too.
To Administration: Thank you so much for your emails and all the kind words and your professional assistance in getting me enrolled. I really enjoyed chatting with you. I salute the whole team for the very effective and efficient assistance that contributed towards my achievement.
Agnes Sumareke
Papua New Guinea
“I want to thank administration and my tutor for a wonderful experience on my first online course. I am very pleased with my learning experience and will surely spread the word on your wonderful courses.”
Maya Byrd
I thoroughly enjoyed the program and will definitely recommend it to others!
Linda Congdon
What a Gem! The Teaching Business English Course is a great course that opens up all sorts of opportunities. With this knowledge I can work from home, at an office, in a school or Special Projects. It is so exciting and well written I am very pleased that I bought it as well. I recommend anyone who has not done this little course to get it done. The information is like Gold in your hands.
Thanks again.
Des Nunneley
New Zealand
My name is Andy Thomas and I took the wonderful 140 hour course and teacher practices in Guadalajara to become certified in July of 2006. The training was very valuable for me, and I worked professionally for four years at The American School of Puebla teaching middle school English with great success. I am currently teaching South Carolina and continue to use the wonderful techniques of differentiated learning from the ITTO. I would recommend this program to any and all who are interested in choosing this rewarding career.
Andy Thomas
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the excellent work you have done with me. This course was much harder than I could have ever imagined. But, you were with me every step of the way!
I am grateful for the many, many tips and advise you have given me along the way. I am putting together a couple of “books” from all of the information I have learned in the course and from my tutor. I will need to bring these with me on my future teaching adventures. Thank you for providing me with so much information and guidance. You have been invaluable in helping me through this course, providing me with the skills I will need to teach abroad. I won’t forget that.
I know I proceeded with this course quickly. I plan on going over everything again, and really absorb everything… there was so much information!!!!!! I know I have much to learn. But, I feel like I can walk into a class anywhere and get started. That means the world to me. Thank you for the help along the way. I am so glad I had you to work with.
Thank you for everything
Karl Kunath
I’m very happy and satisfied with the course. I really enjoyed it. It was exactly what I needed.
Carolina de Oliveira
It’s my honour and privilege to thank you, for all the guidance and inspiration that you have provided me throughout the course, my tutor really gave me a positive impetus in completing the course successfully. It is my bound duty to appreciate the hard and sincere gestures of my tutor in evaluating all the Tasks and giving me worthy comments and providing me with a helping hand in completing the Tasks. I must also appreciate my tutor’s quick and immediate replies given to all my doubts and queries. I must say that she proved herself a worthy and learned tutor. My sincere thanks for your wonderful services and the help that they have extended to students made me to feel more flexible and happy. It speaks volumes of their dictation in encouraging students and fulfilling their needs. Lastly I once again thank my beloved tutor and ITTO.
With warmest regards,
T. Ravindernath
ITTO has proven itself to be my lumen (eye opener) in not only teaching techniques but also psychology involved in teaching and I can impart knowledge now to the least lowly intellect and gravitate it to be among the highly rated brains. One thing about this teaching approach is that it cannot be said to be limited to teaching English alone. While we agree that it is tagged ‘Teaching English’, but what about the techniques and psychology in teaching not only limited to teaching English alone?
In fact, I recommend this training to all “teachers”. By teachers, I mean from informal instructors in all homes to formal teachers in all schools from the least schools up to the university.
Ever since I rounded off the program, some of my friends want to get enrolled in the program because of its immense benefit of not learning per se but also affording her graduates the links with which to apply and seek job opportunities world over.
It is a must-undergo program to everybody because of its tripartite benefits – the home training, teaching ability, and job opportunity.
Chris Onoyima
My new teaching career is going very well thank you.
I have been living in Beijing, China and teaching at Aihua Foreign Languages Academy for a month now and am loving every moment. I teach children between the ages of 8 and 12 on a part time basis. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures yet but will send you some and as soon as I have them.
You are more than welcome to give this e-mail address to your prospective students if they would like to contact me.
Thanks and have a great day,
Tracy Daniels
South Africa
Dear Team, Thank you so much for your support and guidance throughout my course work. I really enjoyed the course and I appreciated all the great help and advice from my tutor!
In case I am going to do some additional course work, I definitely will stay with ITTO. It was exactly what I needed. I had the opportunity to do the course in my own pace and in my own way. I got immediate response on my assignments and that kept me motivated. So, thanks to all of you who have been involved and who helped me to be successful!
Best regards,
Kornelia Trefz
Hello! I have had a truly wonderful experience with the course and I wanted to thank the administration again for the kind and thoughtful initial communications with me.
As my course evaluations note, I found the course and delivery system to be excellent; and my tutor has earned my highest recommendation. She has been exemplary in every respect as a tutor–ITTO is very fortunate to have her on board!?
Dr. Benjamin D. Koen
Hello, I am from the United States. I took the onsite certificate course in Cusco, Peru. Immediately after taking the course I began teaching at the same institute where I had been trained. I taught Cusco for 6 months to group classes of Peruvian adults. I loved teaching abroad, immersing myself in a different culture, taking salsa lessons and speaking Spanish.
After teaching, I traveled around South America and since have returned to the States. I currently teach private English classes. I recently took the Teaching Business English course to enhance my teacher training and portfolio.
The Teaching Business English course helped me see the distinctions between teaching a regular English student and a Business student. I have found the course to be helpful with my current students that work in corporations and need to improve their language skills for their job environment.
Valerie Noce
Hello! I live on Lamma Island, near Hong Kong, and love it. I have had no problem finding work though don’t be fooled when they say NET teachers are very well paid. However the lifestyle is not expensive on Lamma; the rent is reasonable and you can buy a bag full of vegetables from the farmers for a couple of dollars.
There’s a huge demand for English teachers for nursery school and I teach on the mainland (on the border of China) at the Salvation Army Schools). Though this is not what I was expecting to do the children are very clever and I love them!
I noticed that there is very little practical information to teach small children, the books available are either too “academic” too wordy, too boring, and no really interesting lesson plans, so…I wrote my own stories and lesson plans. I actually found a printer interested in finding a publisher for China and so this is what I do in my spare time – write lessons!
I could not have done this without ITTO and am very thankful to this organization. I recommend it totally for anyone who wants a Teaching As A Foreign Language certificate.
Marisa Dalla Valle
I don’t regret my decision to take the Advanced course.
I am currently teaching EFL to middle school students in South Korea. It is a public school. I also taught elementary school last semester. Although I could hae gotten my teaching job with no EFL training at all, the course gave me much more confidence and made me a better teacher. I found that the course provided me with enough training for much less money. Besides, there is no single method or approach that will fully prepare you for any classroom, but this course gave me a solid foundation in a broad range of teaching methodologies and meaningful activities.
The course material was well organized for self study, and contained many exams that provided immediate feedback. The assignments at the end of each chapter were graded by my tutor, within a few days, who was an EFL teacher in Spain. Her comments, based on her experience as a teacher, were very meaningful.
I liked the emphasis on lesson planning. The course focuses on the sections of the plan that need to be developed in order to prepare an effective lesson, while giving you great flexibility in your plans. I didn’t realize until I started teaching that a solid plan is needed to make you fully prepared for your lesson, even if you are the only one who will see it. It makes you appear more professional. I saved all the resources I acquired through the course, and still refer to them when needed.
I hope I addressed all of your questions and concerns. If there is anything else you would like to know, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Cynthia O’Brien
I am glad you decided to write to solve some of your doubts, I had a few doubts myself when I started the course, it was my first time taking a course that was delivered online, and I found it hard to believe that they can teach you so much in so little time, but let me tell you that so far, I am very surprised to see that everything that I´ve learned and all the materials that I´ve gotten from my tutor are accurate and very useful in my classroom.
The lessons you will learn, will help you teach fun, interesting and affective classes. I think all the lessons are very specific and it really measures the capacity and ability a person has to teach.
I hope this will clear some of your questions and I´ll be happy to help you, if you have some questions regarding the tasks.
There are several reasons why I am motivated to enroll with the program and teach English as a foreign language. Having worked at a desk job as a loan officer as well as in the lab as a chemist, I am looking for a different experience that is both challenging and rewarding. While searching through the many programs available, I found several promising programs that were internationally accredited. I enrolled with ITTO because it was one of the few that offered 100+ hours of material, and I knew the program would be challenging as well as rewarding.
Having completed the ITTO Course, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a quality program that is accepted worldwide. The program certainly delivered on what I was looking for. The quizzes were challenging and required the trainee to really know the course material. I found the Grammar section of the course to be extremely helpful for reviewing grammar tenses and structures. Another plus was the high-quality tutoring. My mentor Susan was always prompt with her detailed and thorough feedback on course assignments. In addition, she was a valuable source for teaching ideas and teaching suggestions. Thank you! I look forward to accepting the challenges and rewards of teaching English as a foreign language. Click to read Michael’s whole testimonial!
Michael P. Thompson
Dear Team, I want to thank you all tremendously for the technical support, and all the assistance rendered as a student of the Institution. I also want to thank you for the wonderful course package, which has added value to the teaching field. I appreciate all of you and of course my tutor, who was going along with me all the way through, encouraging correcting and mostly giving me the assurance that I can do this. Thank you for your time. I’m not leaving Administration out. Thanks a lot and also the Course Coordinator for the timely technical support given through my course. I have read through all the benefits I’m entitled to, its quite intriguing, but I want to see what I can achieve in my country and also doing some contract jobs overseas, I assure you that in future, I will take advantage of one or two of these benefits. I hope I will have the opportunity one day to attend the Teaching Practices in Mexico very soon. Once again, I say thank you and wish the organization greater success through the coming year.
Olubukola Ben-Jack
Thank you very much for returning my task so quickly and for all the helpful information with it.
It is great to get more ideas for explaining vocabulary and all the sources where to look up more information and ideas! It is very kind of you to provide me with quick feedback and all these websites, which will certainly come in handy and I will try to check them out as time goes by! I appreciate any extra input from what I’m currently reading or checking (so far mostly books). I’m glad I did the course and thank you once more for all your help – you certainly made it worthwhile for me and a great experience and they are lucky to have your service as tutor! It’s a shame you don’t live closer, it would have been nice to meet.
Brigitte Flores
God blessed me by giving me such a caring tutor. I am lucky to have you.
You are so insightful and supportive. You were very helpful and patient with me and I appreciate it. Thanks again for your support and prompt feedback – not all co-workers taking this course are as fortunate as I have been in having you. The article on discipline was very useful to me. As far as future students to assist, don’t change a thing. It gave me quite a boost when I received your reference letter. Thank you so much for all you help and interest.
Once again I am grateful that I have you. I have gone on to 3 other on line courses and have more than once wished you were with me still.
Very appreciative student,
June Pentecost
Thank you so much for your feedback. You have great teaching strategies and insights.
I love the warm support you give me. Thank you once again. The attachments you have sent are so fun. Even though you are in another continent altogether, the time difference has never made any impact, to times when I have reached out for advice, as you have been there faster to respond than people living in my own country!!!
Regina Thapa
My tutor was always very fast with her response and the feedback was most of the times very useful.
She helped me a lot. She also was very enthusiastic and motivated me a lot! Because of all the good reactions I had from my teacher it made me do the course more intensively and better. I was really into it! Thanks for always the good and positive remarks. I would recommend her to anyone. She was a good help and a good motivator with good and adequate feedback! She did a great job, as a motivator, a good feedbacker and a good corrector! An excellent teacher who sees things the student doesn’t see.
Lind Bussens
I would highly recommend this course to anyone who needs to get skills and a job fast.
I got a job before I finished the program. What else can I say? It doesn’t get any better than that.
Robert Reitinger
USA (Teaching Mexico)
The Teaching Practices were great. I’m glad I had the opportunity to teach 10 different classes!
Teresa Kreye
Job placement was great and the staff, on whole, was friendly and great to work with. Thank you.
Anna-Kate Schneider
Thanks so much for all of your help, I look forward to seeing you soon! Take care.
Ann McGraw Phillips
I would first thank you for your courses.
In fact, though I am a teacher, I found out during the training that I still lacked some knowledge. But now I have acquired that from this training. Everything was useful, no exceptions. I wish to recommend others who wish to get their certification to sign up with this institution. They will never regret any money spent. I am fully enlightened by the training and more confident in my future teaching. Once more, thanks very much. I love you guys … thumbs up.
I thought the entire course was well planned, interesting and useful, and my instructor was very friendly and approachable.
Creating the lesson plans was the most challenging but probably also the most useful tasks. I also found the Grammar and Pronunciation and Grammar Mentor sections really helpful, since they had a lot of specific examples of common problems and topics. And I enjoyed all the evaluation methods: the multiple choice tests and fill-in the blank questions and the variety of the tasks.
Traian Popescu
I really liked the quiz feedbacks.
They were very informational, in addition to what was learned in the unit. I also found the feedback from the tutor at the end of each unit (or throughout) very useful. She was very knowledgeable.
Jamie Ostrander
The course was harder than I expected but after completing it; I understand why.
Walter Sakundiak
Yes I would recommend it!
I have been teaching English with Berlitz© for more than 10 years but all of my tutor’s feedbacks helped me to increase more knowledge on teaching. She gave me great ideas, and makes the course a real learning experience.
Israel Figueroa
Thank you very much for the course and the grade that I got.
It was great working with the Staff. Thank you, too, for the very comprehensive, very organized and very systematic course.
God bless you all,
Erlinda (Linda) Lagera